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"How do you think she's doing? Do you think she's okay?" Sunburst kept pacing from one wall to the opposite one, insistently throwing glances into the distance.

"What do you expect me to think, Sunny?" Starshine replied, still sitting in the corner with her back against the wall. "Of course I'm going to answer that she's probably okay, she's Twilight after all. You need reassurance right now."

"And yet you somehow managed to give it in the least actually reassuring way." Sunburst's steps became a little louder as he nervously stomped over the stone beneath his hooves.

"It's not my fault you have to make my existence so complicated." Starshine shrugged. "And stop walking there, you'll dig yourself a trench if you keep that up. Do you want a telescope to try to look for her?"

"There's no telescope good enough to see her where she is, no matter how impossibly advanced," Sunburst replied, sounding a little annoyed. But his pace did slow down a little.

"I know," Starshine said with a nod. "But you could frustrate yourself with futile attempts and then chastise yourself for even trying in the first place."

"That doesn't exactly sound like an ideal use of my time." Sunburst looked at Starshine for a moment, then back in the direction where Twilight was supposed to be.

"It sounds like a better use of your time than literally nothing." Starshine clicked her tongue. "Come on, Sunny, you can't just keep walking back and forth like that."

"Well what am I supposed to do?" Sunburst asked. "I have to wait for Twilight to get back, praying to Harmony that she does so alive and in one piece, and I have to wait for her here. What else should I be doing?"

Starshine rolled her eyes. "If you're gonna wait, at least wait the proper way. Sit down and calm down. Trying to grind out your hooves against the floor like that won't be of any help to anyone."

"Twilight could be dying up there!" Sunburst yelled. "How am I supposed to just sit down and wait?" He forced himself to slow down his breaths, and adjusted his glasses. "I mean, yes, she probably isn't dying and things will actually be fine but there is a non zero chance that something does go wrong."

"The chances of being hit by a meteorite while grocery shopping aren't zero either, but that never stopped you from doing it," Starshine replied, blowing a strand of her mane out of her face.

Sunburst almost sputtered for a moment. "That is not the same thing and you know it."

Starshine rolled her eyes again. "Look, Sunny. Do you believe in Twilight? Do you believe that if anypony could pull this off, it would be her? Then stop acting like you don't. She'll be fine."

Sunburst opened his mouth, but after a few moments all that came out was a deep sigh. He sat down, and took hold of the steaming mug of tea he found on the ground as he stretched out his hoof towards it. After a long sip, he sighed again, trying to slow his breath. "I suppose you have a point. We'll just have to wait."

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