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Made of Candy

"I've been seeing things is how I would put it, I guess."

Twilight took note. "What kind of things? Visions? Places, or creatures, or something else entirely?" she asked.

"Ponies, mostly," Sweetie Belle replied, "though I think it might just be creatures in general. They seem to be right there, like ghosts. Sometimes there's a bit more around them, objects they carry or some parts of the ground they walk on, but usually it's just ponies."

Twilight noted that down as well. "And these visions, do they talk to you? Interact with you in any way? Does it look like they're trying to share some sort of message with you?"

Sweetie shook her head. "No. The opposite, actually. They don't even seem to acknowledge that I'm there. Like they're just going on about their mundane, daily business. Only what they're doing makes no sense where I see them."

"Do you know these ponies you see?" Twilight asked on.

"Sometimes yes, actually," answered Sweetie Belle. "I saw you once, for example. Just walking down the road. And Pinkie, I think she was spinning around with some plates, that same time. I've also seen Apple Bloom a couple of times."

Twilight wrote down some more notes. "When and where do these visions present themselves to you?" She looked up from her notes and towards the unicorn.

"There doesn't seem to be any constant there." Sweetie paused for a moment, thinking about things. "Sometimes it'll be when I'm walking around, other times when I'm having lunch or dinner, occasionally when I'm in bed before falling asleep. They just happen whenever and wherever."

"I see." Twilight looked over the notes she'd taken. "You briefly touched on what ponies are usually doing in your visions, and how that doesn't make sense with where you see them. Can you elaborate?"

"It's like I said. It's all normal stuff, but it feels like it's taken out of context. Like I'm seeing only a part of a scene." Sweetie pursed her lips, trying to think of how to put thoughts into words, and Twilight couldn't help but think the way she did it reminded her of Rarity. "It's like I'm getting to see only one specific pony do something, without the world around them. But they're not really there where I see them, so I end up with ponies going through things or walking into walls. And sometimes I'll see them touch something, or talk to someone, but I can't see what they're interacting with. Like an actor's performance ripped out of a play and put into another, without changing it in any way. They don't belong there."

Twilight nodded again, and took a few more notes. "It's a bit early to tell, we will need to test it first. And for that we'll need to figure out how exactly it's supposed to work, and what it is you're seeing. But there's definitely a possibility here." She looked up at Sweetie Belle. "I want you to keep a full report of every vision you have. Write down the time and place, and as detailed a description of what the creature you see is doing as you can. I'll see you a week from now, same time."

The unicorn nodded once. "Understood."

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