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Astronomy Lessons

Twilight poured some more pomegranate juice into her glass, and drank a bit of it. "How did the last hunting session go, Luna?"

"It went well, Princess." Luna ate a bite out of her slice of strawberry cake. "The forest seems relatively calm as of late."

"I'm glad to hear that." Twilight turned to the third alicorn in the room. "What about your cake tasting tour, Celestia?"

"As a matter of fact, Twilight-"

A raised eyebrow from the pony in in question was all it took for Celestia to pause. She swallowed, then spoke again. "As a matter of fact, Princess, that is going rather well. But I would hope you don't think it's the only thing occupying my time."

Twilight tilted her head to the side, curious. "It's not?" She sat straight again. "Well, I suppose sleeping would take away some time too."

Celestia slowly turned away from her, and poured herself some water. "What about you, Princess?"

"Research is going well, we're making some steady progress in regards to both scales and coils. And just yesterday we finally managed to get some readings on the piece of the Wall we received. It will be a slow process, but we should finally start to see some results there." Twilight cut herself a slice from the large chocolate cake on her side of the table, and quietly began to eat it.

Celestia eyed her plain salad with disinterest, stabbing at the air just above it with the fork she held in her magic. To her left, on the end of the table opposite of Twilight's, Luna drank some of her apple juice and took another bite from her slice of cake.

"So I was thinking," Twilight began after a minute of silence, cutting out another piece from the chocolate cake in front of her, "if we built collars with pieces of Chrysalis's throne in them, they could work as a more discreet alternative to horn rings. They could be harder to remove, too."

"That sounds like a lovely idea, Princess," Luna commented.

Celestia finally forced herself to chomp down on and swallow part of her meal. Quietly, she asked, "How has research on pink poison joke advanced since we last spoke of it?"

"Not terribly far, I'm afraid," said Twilight. "I'm having Rose study it on occasion, and I'm doing some of the work myself, but we both have more important things to work on. You know how it is. It's not exactly something I could justify focusing on."

"I understand." Celestia ate a bit more salad. Then, hesitantly, she spoke again. "I could work on it myself if you wished, Princess."

"Oh?" Twilight looked at her, a curious expression on her face. "Could you say that again, Celestia? I'm not sure I quite understood what you meant. I'm sure Luna would like you to repeat it as well."

Luna simply nodded.

Celestia cleared her throat, and raised her tone slightly. "I could work on studying pink poison joke if you wished me to, Princess."

Twilight smiled. "That does sound like a reasonable request from you."

Author's Note:

Proofreading by IncongruousAndHarmonious

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