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A Rock and a Sharp Place - Part 2

"Well, we have the time for it."

Stone Brick paused again, then resumed his walk, hoping the other hadn't noticed. And as he did, he said, "Oh, it's also a very boring one. You wouldn't want to have to sit through it. And I'm bad at telling it, anyway. Never was good at telling stories." He eyed the pegasus above him. "In fact, you should do the talking. I'm sure it'll be a lot more entertaining that way."

Soarin' threw a glance at the pony below him. "If you insist. Have I ever told you about the time I had to dive under a manateeagle to recover a package?"

For the third time, just briefly, Stone stopped. "No, you have not." He looked up at Soarin' again. "It might have to do with how we've never met before."

The pegasus sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.

"And that's how Lightning got the scar behind her ear. Wanna hear about that time I-"

Stone Brick gave a brief cough. "Well, looks like we're here."

Soarin' stopped to look ahead. "Oh, hey! We are. Time flies when you're enjoying yourself, doesn't it?"

"Sure does," Stone answered, finally stepping into town. Even from there, the shape of Princess Twilight's castle was still clearly visible. "Do you think I should wait and find a place to eat at, or go to the Princess right now?"

The pegasus landed beside him, rubbing his own chin in thought. "She's probably busy right now. I say we find a place to eat something at and then go to her later. Unless you got some really urgent reasons to see her, of course." He looked towards the earth pony.

Stone Brick just shrugged. "Works for me. Know any places we can eat at around here?"

"Does Sugarcube Corner sound good?"

"First off, why are you asking me if you know I know nothing about this town?" Stone looked back at Soarin'. "And second, that sounds like a bakery. Or a pastry shop. Not like a restaurant."

But Soarin' was already a good few metres in front of him. "It's this way," he yelled, turning back to make sure he was being followed.

Stone sighed, shook his head, then began to walk behind the pegasus. He could probably at least convince him to pay for both of them.

After a couple more minutes of making their way through the busy streets of the colourful city, the duo finally reached a rather plain-looking building on the side of the road, the only indication that it was their destination being the name painted in bright pink letters above the entrance, over the already very bright and very pink paint job that covered the whole front side. Soarin' walked in, and Stone followed behind him.

"Hello and welcome to Sugarcube Edge," a voice immediately greeted them as they stepped through the door, its owner a moving set of plate towers underneath which was presumably a mare. "Take this, please." From beneath the spires of ceramic a hoof passed Stone a note on a piece of paper, then the strange creature walked away from them and towards the other side of the surprisingly full interior.

Soarin' called to grab Stone's attention after the peculiar encounter. "Hey! Come here and have a seat."

With no real other option, the earth pony followed him towards one of the very few still unoccupied tables.

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