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End of the World - Part 5

"So. What's the plan?" Twilight asked.

"Look for something. Anything, really," the stallion replied. "I can give you a list of every world I've visited, and everything I know. Your research team seems to already be further ahead than mine ever was. I'll keep travelling around, and if any of us find something we'll write to each other. I know it's not that grand of a plan, but it's better than nothing."

"Why not come back with me?" Twilight tilted her head, curious. "We have a place for you. We can give you somewhere to stay, it has to be better than being out here."

"You need someone doing the dangerous exploration out here if you want to find something, and I'm more experienced than any of you," replied the stallion, while beginning to sort through one of his saddlebags.

Twilight shook her head lightly, watching what the unicorn was doing. "You can't just keep yourself travelling between worlds all the time."

"Why not?" The stallion looked up at her for a moment. "It's what I've been doing so far. For a while at this point, too."

"Think of how much you could help us with research. Of how much we could help you," Twilight went on. "You can't just expect me to leave you out here on your own."

"Like it or not, it's how things will happen." The stallion was holding a small, pearly white orb in his hoof. He let it fall forward and roll for a bit, then caught it in a spell and a portal opened from it. "Your world is not my own, Twilight. It's not my home."

"It could be," Twilight said. "After this is all done, if it ever is, you could stay. You don't have to be alone."

The stallion silently stepped towards the portal, and motioned for Twilight to follow him. Reluctantly, Twilight did. On the other side, they appeared in a swamp, not in any world Twilight was familiar with. "Wait here for a moment," the stallion said, then he disappeared through a new portal produced too quickly for Twilight to see what it had sprouted from.

It occurred to Twilight, in the time spent waiting there near the two portals, that had the stallion wanted he could have left her stranded there with no way to go back. Thankfully, he did come back, closing the portal he'd left from behind him.

Something else had occurred to Twilight, in the meantime. "Have you ever come across a library, while travelling?"

The stallion looked at her, puzzled. "You mean just a regular library?"

"Not quite," Twilight replied. "Don't mind that for now. Have you ever seen a draconequus?"

The stallion just looked even more puzzled. "I have no idea what that is."

"How familiar are you with chaos magic?" Twilight asked.

"Never once touched it, and I would like to think I'm smart enough to keep it that way," said the stallion. "Now will you tell me what this is all about?"

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