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"Oh." Trixie stopped halfway through the door. "Are you okay there?"

Lightning Dust slowly, very slowly, turned to look at her. "Not really," she said. She sounded like she'd just woken up, and looked the part as well. Ruffled mane and feathers, and bags under her eyes. "You?"

"Better than you're doing, for sure," Trixie said. She stepped in and closed the door. "What's the problem?"

"Hangover. You know, the usual. I just didn't expect to wake up so soon." Lightning sat up, slightly stretching her wings.

"Were you sleeping here or did you walk here in those conditions?" asked Trixie, heading for the sofa.

"Both," Lightning said. "Not in that order. Dragged myself in the castle in case I was needed, and then I collapsed here again."

"I see." Trixie sat down. "I've never been that close to you, but I was under the impression you weren't this chatty."

"I'm usually not, but I don't physically have the strength to feel anything close to anger right now," Lightning said in a flat tone. "Last night was rough."

"Really?" asked Trixie, not really sure of what else would have been an appropriate reply.

"I didn't go to sleep until after dawn." Lightning nodded. "Usually I'll just pass out halfway drunk at the club and get dragged back to my house late into the night, when the place closes down. Didn't get drunk enough to pass out yesterday. Spent the whole night wandering around town with a bottle, I don't think I even finished it and I've got no idea what it was. I don't know why I didn't just ask for the usual."

Trixie swallowed but nodded, shifting slightly from side to side as the awkwardness of the conversation ran down her sides like an itch.

Turning her neck with a few audible pops, Lightning looked at Trixie again. "Any news about what happened?" She stretched her limbs. "What time is it, anyway?" she asked, looking for the clock hanging from one of the walls.

"Princess Twilight is here again," said Trixie, glad she could move the conversation in ways she was comfortable doing. "She'll be addressing the nation shortly."

"Is my house alright?" Lightning asked. "I didn't check while I was coming here."

"Every building is safe for the moment, and the damaged ones are being repaired," Trixie said. "I don't know about yours specifically, but rest assured it will be taken care of if any problems are there."

"How's Silver Spear? Is he alright?"

"There have been no casualties, nor any major accidents," Trixie reassured Lightning. "Whoever he might be, you'll be able to check the hospital later, and if he's not there you'll know he wasn't hurt. Either way, he's safe."

"Good." Lightning placed a hoof behind her neck and turned it from side to side, making it pop again. "Soarin' was supposed to be on a delivery today, I guess he's not around. Hopefully he's alright too. You said Twilight's back, right?"

"Yes." Trixie nodded.

"I guess she doesn't need my help right now then." With a dull thud, Lightning let herself fall back on the couch. "Don't you dare wake me up."

Trixie bit her lower lip. "Why did you stay up like that yesterday, anyway?"

For a moment, Lightning didn't move and didn't answer. "The day right before an anniversary is always a stressful one," she finally said.

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