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What to do

"Is that supposed to do something?" asked Pinkie, leaning closer to get a look at where the stallion's hoof touched the wall.

"Maybe." The stallion slid his hoof lower. "Maybe not."

Pinkie leaned closer still. "What is that you're seeing, exactly?" she asked.

"Wires," said the stallion. "More than usual this time." He began to look at different portions of the wall. "A red one and a green one running inside the pillar, from top to bottom. A yellow one from midway down the pillar to where I have my hoof now, where it's connected to a short blue one that ends in what looks like a button on each end. Then there's a purple one in a square shape with a missing edge, starting at the top of the pillar and ending at the bottom and encapsulating the whole thing. Finally there's an orange spiral in the lower left corner."

"Huh." Pinkie put a hoof under her chin, focusing deep in thought. "Have you managed to figure out something about it yet?"

"The buttons look like the only part I should be able to interact with," said the stallion, "but I've tried them both already and they don't..." He paused, and looked at Pinkie. Then he regretted looking at her directly, and looked slightly to the side of her instead. "Mind putting your hoof here where mine is?" he asked.

Her expression unchanging, Pinkie moved her hoof from her chin to the position the stallion had asked for. He then placed his a bit above hers, and looked around. "Anything?" Pinkie asked.

As an answer, the stallion held out his other hoof. Pinkie understood, and took it in hers.

The stallion gave a little smile. "Well, now the spiral is spinning at least. So that's something."

"I suppose it is," Pinkie said, still unsure of what was going on exactly.

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