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Time Wasted

"Do you ever get to the end of a day and wonder where all the time went? How you could possibly have done so little, how you could possibly be late on something when you had the whole day to do it?"

"Sometimes. I guess it does happen sometimes. Although, for me, I'd say it's more about the times where I just forgot I had something to do and did something else instead. I don't really like not being busy."

"Ha! Don't try to fool me, I've seen you lazing around both in school and on that yacht."

"That's relaxing. It's different, and it's programmed. I don't laze around when I should be doing something else, I do it when I can afford to."

"I don't think you could afford to be sleeping in class with the kind of grades you were getting."

"Okay, that was lack of sleep. I had the bad habit of staying up too late some days, especially when I got nervous. At least I learned to talk myself into sleeping early when sports were involved. Get myself in top condition and all that."

"Had? Have you looked at the clock?"

"Got me there, I suppose. Maybe I still have it. But you're up too!"

"You get used to it when you're a performer. Some shows happen pretty late. At least I don't need to be up early in the morning."

"Oh, have you done any shows recently?"

"...No. But that's beside the point! The point is that..."


"I'm not actually sure where the conversation was going anymore."

"Oh. I've got something. I could help you with your show! I could be your assistant. There has to be stuff you can do with me that you couldn't otherwise."

"Well, yeah, but that would be cheating."

"As opposed to? Come on, even I'm not that dumb. I know it's all tricks."

"Yeah but it's the honest kind of lying. The one that's fair."

"You're just afraid I would steal the show from you."

"Hah! In your dreams. Besides, I can always cut you in half and pretend the trick went horribly wrong."

"Sounds like you're scared to me."

"Is that a challenge?"

"Well, yeah. It is. Maybe you'll finally feel what it's like to realise you're only the second most awesome person in the room."

"Funny. You're the one who should be telling me what that's like right now."

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