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Lost in Space

It was cold. Surprisingly cold. In the sense that the sudden sensation surprised her, not in the sense that it was surprising for it to be cold. That part made sense. Either way, it was cold, and she was cold. Except for her horn. That also made sense. Her horn was boiling, sizzling hot, barely doused by the coldness around her. It was hot inside and outside, it was only reasonable for it to be when she'd channelled so much magic into it. So much power into a single spell. At its core it wasn't a complicated spell by any means, no, it was one she'd known for years, though around it she'd wrapped a far more advanced one she'd had both her former teacher and the one it had first been used on explain to her. The sheer scale at which she'd used it, though, that was something else. It left her drained, but there was still more to do. She was thankful then more than ever for having the power of two alicorns inside herself.

Her legs were numb. The bad kind of numb, the kind the body and brain use to mask the pain. She wasn't sure if she'd be able to walk with them, the good news was that she wouldn't need to. Her wings were still good enough. She'd just fly, she would have an easier time while higher up anyway.

She felt weirdly weightless, floaty even, and without a proper perception of time. Not falling unconscious though, neither was she unaware of her surroundings. More simply, it appeared there were no surroundings for her to be aware of at that moment. The spell was taking a while to work, maybe. Maybe it was her perception of time that was dilated by it instead. She wasn't sure, she'd never experienced something like that. It didn't matter much, and she was regrettably a little too tired to properly observe the phenomenon.

She wasn't in any danger, at that moment. She would be soon, as she had been just before, but for a short span of time she was allowed to simply exist and do nothing. There wasn't anything she could do in that state, anyway. She couldn't move her body, she wasn't even sure if she had a body even though she could feel its conditions. She would have one again soon though. Hopefully. She couldn't be sure everything would work out, though she was certainly hopeful that would be the case.

There was light. Was there light? It felt like there was light. She didn't see it properly, but it did kind of feel like there maybe was light. Like when waking up, the light passing through one's eyelids. It was almost like that. Would there be light? Not much.

She felt odd tingles in her body. The magic she'd used, coursing through her as she was displaced and brought to her destination. She wondered if it had felt like that the last time the spell had been used. Perhaps not, she had cast it with sheer magic and not with the aid of any artefacts. She wondered what the other pony, if she could still be called one, she'd used it on felt. One of those questions she'd maybe get a chance to ask, if she survived.

Suddenly she felt a tug. She felt herself pulled from that ethereal place of transit the spell had seemingly cast her into. It was time. Twilight took a breath, and prepared herself.

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