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Additive | 65

Sugarcoat stared at the dress for a few seconds, as the mare walked closer to her. "No. That's hideous. You should bring it back to the dark backroom you dug it out of."

The mare stopped and stared at the dress. "Yeah, I know. But for a moment I hoped we'd finally get rid of it. Can you blame me?" She set the thing down on the nearest shelf.

As the other mare searched for something, Sugarcoat took a brief walk around the shop. Her gaze fell on a clothing rack, and something caught her eye. "What about this one?" she asked, pointing at a dress with a hoof and lifting her head, looking around for the other unicorn.

The mare in question slid her head out of a drawer and turned towards Sugarcoat. "Yes?" She walked up to the girl, and pulled out the dress that was being pointed at. "This one, dear?"

Sugarcoat gave it a better look. There wasn't some sort of grand shining revelation inside her, but a reaction was there. A sensation, kind of weak but there nonetheless, a gentle warmth like that of the embers after a small fire has died. It was nice. Not spectacular, not earth-shattering, but she liked the dress. It was more than she could have said about any other one she'd seen. "Yes," she said, turning to the other unicorn. "I'll take this one. No, I don't need to try it on first."

The unicorn had a look at the dress, then at Sugarcoat. "I think it will look nice on you." She nodded, and carried the dress towards the counter.

Sugarcoat watched her walk for a moment. And she smiled.

Fluttershy opened her eyes, and she gasped for breath like someone coming up for air after a long swim underwater. Around her darkness punctuated by beeping red and green lights. There was something on her body, attached to it in different places, but she couldn't understand what it was.

She would have looked, but she was too weak to. Or maybe it wasn't that. She couldn't focus on anything, the images before her eyes seemed to dance and melt together. She wasn't sure where up and down were, she couldn't move, she felt hot and cold at the same time.

Her eyes started to close again. Her eyelids were getting heavy, it was a struggle to keep them open. The edges of her vision darkened, a blurry blanket of blackness spreading towards the centre. She was lying down, she realised, her head over something soft. She was comfortable. Maybe it was better to sleep.

She heard sounds coming from somewhere. But they were muffled to her, she couldn't make out anything. Her vision grew darker and darker, her eyelids heavier and heavier. There was no point in keeping her eyes open when she couldn't see anyway, and so she decided to close them. It wasn't so bad after all. Sleep would make her feel better.

There were a few more sounds, closer this time. Someone touching her. But by that point, she was already unconscious again.

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