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Twilight eventually finished her hayburger. Paper was still there, still mostly staring at her and occasionally drinking. He seemed to be very good at drinking exactly enough not to finish his glass until she was done with her food. She still felt awkward and weirded out by him somewhat, an impression she'd never really managed to shake off since first meeting him. "So, uh... Any plans for the day?" she asked him to snuff out the awkwardness.

"None." Paper blinked, and seemed to be staring far into nothingness for a moment. "I don't have anything to do as a guard today. I think I might just stand around until dinner, then sleep."

Twilight's head slowly tilted to the side as she looked at him and considered his words. "Are you sure? Isn't there anything else you might do in your spare time?"

Paper blinked again. "I don't mind doing nothing. It feels relaxing, every once in a while. I can just wait and recharge."

It was Twilight's turn to blink instead. "I suppose that does make sense, yes. Do you really have no hobbies or pastimes, though? Nothing you enjoy besides being a guard?"

"Perhaps." There was some distance to his tone. Like he wasn't really focusing on their discussion there, his mind elsewhere.

"Are you okay?" asked Twilight. He did seem somewhat different from the usual. Far less formal for one, though maybe he considered the level of formality he usually used to be part of his job as a guard.

It took a moment for him to answer that. "No," he said while shaking his head, "not really. I'm feeling strange today." He gave a subtle hint of a smirk, though Twilight wondered if she wasn't just imagining it. "Then again, when has anyone had a good day since the Behemoth arrived?"

Twilight worried a little more. "Do you think you'd need to see a doctor about it, or maybe just rest? Are you feeling ill in some way?"

Paper looked down, and was silent again for a moment. "Apologies, Your Highness," he said in a low tone, then he got up and began to leave. Though not before adding, "Perhaps I do need some rest."

Twilight watched him stand and walk away, still a little worried about him. He did always seem weird, but he'd done so in a different way, and it really felt like there might have been something wrong with him. She hoped he would be alright.

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