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"Miss Rarity?" Bon Bon asked, stepping closer to the unicorn.

"Why, that is me, yes," Rarity said, stepping closer as well. Her eyes settled on Lyra for a moment. "You're one of Twilight's friends, are you not?" Then she looked towards the stallion there with them. "And I've seen you before." She furrowed her brow slightly.

"I was on the rooftop, when Starshine brought me back. I was out there together with Pinkie Pie and Applejack before that. That's likely where we saw each other."

"Oh, yes, right. You were with that prisoner, weren't you? I do hope he's not up to anything malicious now." Rarity looked ahead then. "I was heading towards the centre of town, or what I think is there at least. Following the direction the darkness came from. Did the three of you have other plans?"

"We just kinda got lost after a run-in with a mutated pony, actually," Lyra said. "We can follow if you know the way." She walked up to and past Rarity, then turned around to stand behind her.

Bon Bon shrugged, and she too tagged along as the unicorns came forward, and so did the stallion a moment later. "If everyone else had the same idea, we'll hopefully run into them on the way there."

"But we're also heading straight to where Princess Twilight and Nightmare Moon are fighting," the stallion noted. "It might not be safe to get too close."

"I don't think being here at all counts as safe," Lyra noted. "And the battle might have moved. What even is the plan now? Twilight already failed to just beat Nightmare Moon, didn't she?"

"That was her first plan, yes," Rarity said. "Rather, it was her preliminary plan, even. The first proper plan, as she already believed she wouldn't be able to win in a fight, was to use the Elements of Harmony. That did not quite work out."

"What exactly happened to the other bearers?" the stallion asked. "I saw they were passed out, and even Princess Celestia couldn't heal them. Was it something Nightmare Moon did?"

"For one of them, it probably was," said Rarity. "Applejack passed out almost as soon as Nightmare Moon stood again, but it's unclear why she alone had that reaction. Fluttershy's case is different, and it seems to be tied to other, ongoing facets of her situation. She passed out later, though by that point it didn't matter."

The stallion nodded. "I see. I do hope Miss Applejack will be okay. She saved my life out there, possibly more than once."

"Hopefully her life is in good hooves," said Bon Bon. None of it, she knew as they all did, would matter if Twilight didn't succeed or if in some other way Nightmare Moon wasn't defeated. But as they all knew that was the case, they all quietly agreed to not address that point, having no way of influencing the outcome at that moment, and instead focus on the things they could affect still.

"Hopefully," Rarity agreed, and her mind couldn't help but wander towards another Applejack, and another herself. She hoped she'd be able to get back there and keep helping that girl, when things were finished.

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