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A crack. Or maybe a thud. Some other loud noise maybe, like a tree falling and hitting the ground or a heavy branch snapping or something along those lines. Bon Bon didn't stop running and the others didn't either, but a few, heart pounding seconds later they all realised the thing was no longer after them. Its sounds were no longer there, at least. No one of them dared simply stop and check if it was really the case, but they all felt that it was. Slowly, exchanging glances and nods, they began to slow down. Their running slowly became a trot, then a walk, then finally they stopped, panting, and turned around. Nothing was there.

"Where do you think it went?" the stallion asked, voicing the worry on all their minds.

"Not anywhere close enough to show up in the next few seconds," Lyra said. That got her a somewhat weird look from the stallion, but after a moment he shrugged.

"I heard a sound while we were running, sort of like it hitting something," Bon Bon said, piecing together her memories. "I think that's when it stopped being behind us. Maybe it tripped?" She wasn't particularly convinced herself of that possibility, but it was the only thing she could think of that made some sense.

"Maybe something hit it," said the stallion. He wasn't too convinced either, and he too was mainly trying to figure out something to explain the situation. Something convincing, something to give them some stability and free them from an otherwise justified fear of the creature still being nearby, lurking out of sight, ready to jump at them at any moment.

"Well, it's not going to show up soon. We should head... somewhere." Lyra seemed far more optimistic than the other two. Bon Bon supposed it was easy being optimistic when walking around with a built in eraser for any huge mistakes. At least the way she'd figured out that street trick made sense. And to some degree, her hiding her secret made sense too. It made sense as something Lyra would do at least.

"Where?" the stallion asked. As he walked, he began to put less weight over one of his hind legs. With the adrenaline going away, the pain was getting a lot more noticeable. He didn't sound angry when he asked the question though, just genuinely curious. The mare had just by all accounts contributed to saving his life, he could hardly be bothered by her attitude.

"I've got a good feeling about this way," Lyra said, walking towards a seemingly random direction yet again. "I'd say we should head towards the centre of town but who knows where that is at this point."

Bon Bon looked for a bit at the stallion to make sure he was okay, then began to follow behind him as they followed behind Lyra, leading their group. They walked like that for a bit, quietly looking around, still on edge after their recent experience. Then, they saw Lyra stop. They walked up to her, and stopped as well. "What is it?" Bon Bon asked her, looking around in front of them.

From past the obfuscated edge of their field of vision, another pony walked in. A unicorn mare, white coat and curly purple mane. She didn't notice them at first, then froze mid step as she did. "Oh. Hello there."

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