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The meeting was, in some ways, rather awkward. Both groups just kind of walked into each other, then they froze, and they remained frozen like that for a good few seconds as they drank in the awkwardness of having run into each other like that.

They did, eventually, move closer. The stiffness in their limbs slowly evaporated, their weapons were lowered, and eventually they even began to talk. The knowledge that neither of them had actually been properly prepared to meet whatever they might have run into never quite left them, but they did their best to ignore it.

Lyra did chuckle a little, like there was a joke only she was aware of, that's what it looked like from the outside. In a way, there was one. In a way, by not rewinding, she'd pulled a prank on herself, though if that was her first time through then she was the one pulling the prank, and there would be no Lyra to receive it other than her past self, who already had, and because she already had there was no choice whether she was supposed to rewind or not, except of course she still had a choice to and she had chosen not to, and that was what made it funny for her. Bon Bon would have said, hearing about those thoughts, that she was a tired mare and the situation was getting to her.

Bon Bon was busy helping with carrying Applejack, while one of the guards with them had taken on Fluttershy. Pinkie was up at the head of the group, together with Firecracker, and the rest of the others largely just followed behind, staying close. The prisoner with them stuck particularly close to Bon Bon, largely looking at the mare on her back. Bon Bon was only mildly bothered by that, but not more so than she was by the general situation they found themselves in. If Pinkie was to be trusted, and she saw no reason not to, he was on their side anyway.

Words were exchanged, quietly. The creature they'd walked away from did indeed fly. There was a larger group they were being brought towards. Fluttershy and Applejack were stable, if always unconscious. There were doctors ready if any of them were injured. They still had some potions ready if they ran into something. They were pretty good at avoiding things, and spotting other ponies in the distance.

Neither group had any information on what was going on at the centre of the city, and that largely closed those conversations. The walk back was slow, mercifully uneventful, always conducted with care and nervous unease fitting the conditions they were in. They didn't talk more than necessary, and they listened as much as they were able to, and they heard nothing but the wind and they were grateful for it. The path was roundabout and at times they feared the creature would finally choose to move and do so exactly then, but whether it did or it didn't they never ran into it. Eventually, they arrived at their destination.

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