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Disappearing Act

"I could fake my own suicide."

"What?" Indigo almost choked on her breakfast. She leaned to the side from her spot on the table and looked at Lemon.

Lemon was on her bed, still in her pyjamas, one hand scrolling through tabs on the computer precariously resting on her overcrowded nightstand. "I could totally fake my own suicide online."

Indigo wisely chose to swallow what was in her mouth before continuing on with the conversation. "Okay. Weird thing to say first thing in the morning."

"There's only about seven people I'd need to tell about it. Two of them are outside my circles, so they won't rat me out. Two of them I trust to stay silent about it. The last three I'm close enough with that it won't be a problem, once I've explained it all," Lemon went on. "If I'm smart about it, it'll never come out. Too little clues about my real self for people to figure out anything, and those actually close to me will be in on it."

Indigo had a silent, pondering pause. "Is everything okay?"

"It's the perfect crime." Lemon didn't move, still lying on her bed, her free hand still resting at her side. "Dozens get fooled, no one gets seriously hurt, and I get what I want. Freedom, a chance to start over, a kick in the teeth to those who deserve it. I can go out with a bang without going out at all."

"Yeah, no, you're seriously starting to weird me out with this now." Indigo took another small bite of her breakfast, and chewed through it as quickly as she could.

"I've got rope. I just need to look up how to tie a noose, and take a picture with a note. A date and a signature. Time everything right, write a post to go along with it, log out of my accounts on all social media and never look back. They'll never catch me." Lemon's free hand moved through her still messy hair, straightening out a few knots. "There'll be nothing to catch me for, anyway. Nothing illegal about killing a character, after all."

Indigo had already pushed her chair far enough from the table to get up if needed, but for the time she was simply sitting sideways on it and looking at the other. "Is this a roundabout way of getting me to come there so we can finally make out?"

Lemon yawned and looked away from the screen, towards Indigo instead. "Nah, don't worry about it. I mean, I wouldn't mind the making out part, but you don't need to worry about it."

Indigo just stared at her, mouth half open and an expression precisely halfway between annoyed and confused that perfectly carried the question "What the fuck are you on about?" without need for the girl to actually voice it.

"Chill, Indy." Lemon dismissively waved as she closed her laptop. "You really think I'd go through all the trouble of setting that stuff up when I could just kill myself for real instead?"

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