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Twilight stood aghast as the cube simply fell open, two separate halves cut along strange edges on some of the lines around its surface. There was something inside it, small and white, but she didn't get a good look at it from there and it was hidden as the stallion set the whole thing down. Everyone except Pinkie was looking on in utter shock, and the stallion himself looked a little disappointed about the whole thing. Twilight rushed to him once she finally snapped out of her stupor. "How did you do it?" she asked, not even looking at the open cube at first.

"Well, I just moved the pieces inside it," the stallion said calmly. "Although I do suppose you couldn't see those. You probably couldn't move them either, now that I think about it. But I assure you they were there. For me, at least. I am admittedly not sure how that works with different ponies, but Pinkie was able to help with a puzzle so I imagine the things I see have to actually exist in some capacity. I'm not insane." He looked her in the eyes. "Do you think I'm insane?"

"You just solved what none of us were able to and might have saved thousands of lives. I could not care less if you're sane or not right now." Twilight was about to turn and inspect the contents of the cube. She didn't get to. Instead she was slammed against a wall, a choke hold on her neck, her magic sputtering as she attempted to use it.

Stellaria was standing in the doorway, the doors literally blown open off their hinges. Everyone else in the room was in the same situation as Twilight, in different spots on the walls, some on the ceiling. The figure standing at the entrance flickered, shifted, failed to settle on a single thing. At moments it was the alicorn Twilight had seen during their first meeting. At moments she was a perfect copy of Twilight, wearing Celestia's regalia. At moments it was a slightly off colour version of her, naked, and for brief fractions of a second Twilight swore she saw something that looked like Chrysalis standing there, and other ponies, and other stranger apparitions she couldn't decipher. It kept cycling and buzzing, never settling, never calming down.

Its voice was as much of a jumbled mess as its appearance. At times what Twilight had heard before, at times Twilight's own voice, sometimes twisted and pitched and distorted, and other voices and other sounds screaming and bending and reverberating and cutting each other in and out.

It was angry. It looked angry, it sounded angry. Through all its shifting, that was the only constant, the only clearly distinguishable feature that never went away. "Congratulations on your little show," it spat out, eyes zeroing in on both Twilight and the stallion and frantically, erratically darting back and forth between them. "Congratulations," it repeated. "I suppose we'll have to alter our plans."

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