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"Yeah?" Indigo Zap's head popped up above the cupboard she was kneeling in front of, and she momentarily stopped her rummaging through its contents in search of the right pan to cook lunch in.

Lemon eyed the opened package on top of her bed, then looked at her roommate again. "Did you order a collection of rare vinyl records from some of my favourite bands off the Internet, by chance?"

Indigo quirked an eyebrow. "Why?"

Lemon gave a nod towards her bed. "Because I just got a package with a collection of rare vinyl records from some of my favourite bands, and there was my name on it, and this address. So it's probably not someone else's package that accidentally ended up here. So someone probably ordered that for me." She looked to Indigo again. "Did I order that? Was I drunk enough to accidentally order that and blow all my money on it?"

"I don't know, Lemon. It's not my job to keep track of your antics, and if it was I would quit." Indigo momentarily ducked behind the cupboard again, and went back to searching. She emerged seconds later, brandishing a pan like one would a sword.

"I don't think I even had enough money to buy all that," Lemon went on. "Did I find a way to make more money while drunk and then spend it all in the span of a single night forever losing the secret of how I made that money in the first place to time? Did I make some shady deal with a criminal organisation in exchange for money? Did I live-stream myself playing video games drunk and half naked, build up a fanbase and accidentally leak enough of my personal information for someone to buy and send that to me?" She slipped her fingers through her hair to hold her head, growing increasingly worried as she spun around.

Setting the pan down, Indigo put a finger to her lips, pursing them. "That last option sounds like it would have been nice to see. But unless there's a desperate fan's love letter still in the box I don't think it's the right answer."

"Don't make fun of me, Indy, I am not ready for the pressure of becoming an Internet celebrity."

Indigo had a look around. "Oh I think you're ready. It's not like you're short on unwashed clothes to sell, we could make a fortune."

"Very funny, Indigo." Lemon turned back towards the other girl. "I'm here trying to figure out what happened and how much I should worry for my safety after I might have done who knows what while inebriated and you are there smirking and trying to hold back laughter and now you're bent over laughing at me and-" Lemon stopped, and suddenly facepalmed. "You bought it for me, didn't you?"

It took a moment for Indigo to speak through her fits of laughter. "Guilty as charged."

Lemon didn't remove her hand from her face. "Thank you," she quietly said from behind it. The colour of her skin made it a bit hard to tell, but Indigo swore she saw her blushing behind her hair and fingers.

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