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"Everyone in there is okay," the guard said. "They're making their way out of the building."

Starlight sighed in relief, then nervously looked at the fight going on beneath the broken tower. Cadence and Shining seemed to be doing well, but Sombra didn't look worn out in the slightest. They had to hope he didn't pull another stunt like that, keep pressure on him. Unfortunately, sending more guards his way wasn't really feasible.

She looked at the sphere of darkness that housed Luna and Nightmare Moon. As much as she could hope Luna might have a chance at actually defeating the other, that had never even been considered a possibility when planning things. She was just supposed to hold her long enough for them to deal with everything else.

Twilight had needed to fly back, but she'd be back where she'd been quickly. The others were still advancing, with no reported accidents. They'd manage to get things done if everything went right, although Sombra slicing the palace like that was anything but things going right. Hopefully, though, that had exhausted all their bad luck.

She focused back on the map projected in front of her. With nothing else to do, she could at least be useful.

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