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The creature stood still as Rainbow floated away from it. Blood, or something close to it, poured thick from the hole left in its chest and down onto its malformed body. More began to pour from the bottom of its head, where the sword had struck. It did not fall, but it did slump over, held up by its own anatomy more than by any conscious or instinctual effort.

"Is it over?" Shining called out from farther back, after a few seconds of silence and lack of movement. Rainbow didn't answer immediately. She kept her eyes on the creature, and mainly on its horn. But nothing came of it. After a few seconds more, she dematerialised her sword, and ichor began to pour stronger out of the open wound.

"I think it is," she finally said, drawing farther back but still keeping her eyes on the creature. She swallowed, then finally allowed herself to turn around and fly back to where Shining and Cadence were. "Don't get too close to it," she said to no one in particular, loud enough to be heard by everyone around. "It might fall over." It didn't look like anyone was planning anything of the sort in the first place.

"It's a fortune you got here when you did," Cadence said as Rainbow landed in front of them. "We might not have made it otherwise. Nothing of what we tried seemed to be working, I doubt we'd have been able to do much without dream weapons," she added, eyeing Rainbow's silver armour. "It seems these monsters are not too different from nightmares themselves."

"That's not a good thing," Rainbow said, pushing the words out through nervously rigid jaws. "Nightmares aren't supposed to be on this side of the world. Half of what I'm capable of doing right now I shouldn't be able to, I never studied for it and I'm not even sure Luna would find it this easy to do. Whatever Nightmare Moon is doing to this place, it's worse than you can realise." She swallowed, then shook herself and straightened her expression into something less tense and worried. "I'm glad I was able to help and get here in time though. You should thank that thing for it, I only came here after some of its shot came my way."

Shining sighed, half in relief at what they'd survived, half in nervousness at the revelations Rainbow had brought with her. His eyes drifted to Luna, being brought closer as the group of ponies gathered again, while his body leaned into Cadence's. "It's good to have you here. We should move now, try to find others."

Rainbow nodded, and her eyes followed the direction of Shining's. Once she saw Luna, immediately she rushed towards her, stopping a short distance away from the unicorn carrying her. "She's okay," the pony said, noticing her. "Thank you for saving us."

Rainbow took the praise with a little uncertainty, but then just smiled and nodded. Best to keep spirits high where they could. She stepped a little closer and looked with worry at Luna's unconscious body. At least she wasn't worse than she'd been before the winds had split them apart. She looked at her a little longer, then stepped back and fluttered up to Shining's side. "Where to?" she asked the unicorn.

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