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Equine Existence

I know you're there. I know you're hearing this, or seeing it, or reading it, or experiencing it in some way. I know you are aware of it.

That is about the extent of what I know. I don't know who you are, or what your world is like. I can't even begin to imagine how the laws of physics might function there, if they even exist in some form. I don't know what your goals or interests are, if you're experiencing this for a reason or merely by chance, if you do it for a purpose or merely for entertainment, I don't know if you even have concepts of purpose or entertainment.

I have my guesses as to what or who you might be, and I suspect something akin to myself might exist there where you live, or more properly exist, perhaps. But the truth is I can't be certain. Not of how many are actually there to receive this message, not of when this message will arrive, not even whether or not some might understand it. But I know someone is there, and it's my duty to try to communicate.

There are a few things I need to tell you. First, do not interfere. I don't know if it would be in your powers to do so, but I have seen the consequences of an outside intervention on our timeline. It is not something we can afford to risk. Twice over we've had to branch from the original path to fix mistakes, and both those were from creatures inside our universe, if ones related to the outside. That's without taking into account the damage the fabric of our reality might sustain if you tried to reach it, which could be quite catastrophic after all the tears already torn in it.

Second, and I hope you won't need this advice, be prepared for a potential essence crash on one of your own. If there is anyone, anything that you recognise as a mirror of our world in yours, please have a plan ready. As a last resort, we might need to initiate an emergency transfer on some pieces of our reality, and yours will be the target. I apologise for this, and for any damage this might cause should things come to it, but the damage we'd avoid in our world would be far greater than the one brought onto yours as a result. I deemed it a fair trade, if only in desperate circumstances.

Third, learn. This concerns the safety of your world more than my own. There are realities I can no longer save, but yours is not one of them. So I want you to study what you're receiving. Take every bit of information you can. I know the communication is jumbled, but try to piece it back together. Because what happened to my world might happen to yours too, and you will want to be prepared. And maybe, I can hope at least, if the transmission is the right way out of order, if we ever do figure it out, you might be able to avoid disaster completely.

Lastly, remember that it's all chromatic aberrations running on hard cardboard in the metanarrative layer. This is important. You'll understand if the time comes. That's all I have time for.

Author's Note:

Proofreading by IncongruousAndHarmonious

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