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The closest comparison to how it felt would have been a heartbeat. The second closest comparison, probably a wing beat. Both things she'd experienced, both things she hadn't experienced in a long time. Both things she was about to experience again. Then came light.

Blinding at first, painful after so long spent in darkness. The sound less so, but disorienting nonetheless. Silence, but a silence different from the one of her prison. She was on the ground, breathing again and it hurt, it burnt, and yet it felt liberating.

She stood up, blinked, looked around as she stretched her joints. No one there, no one had freed her. She looked around a little more. No one there at all, and the weeds had gotten tall. Some had even gotten in her mane. The castle looked abandoned. She wasn't the first to break free.

She'd make sure she was the last. She fluttered up. Just a push, strong buzzing of her winds, enough to put the structure off balance. The third statue broke. No use for him in his conditions, and a lot of problems that would have come along with his presence, it was the best thing to do.

Something was wrong. Her heartbeat grew difficult. Another look around, and finally she saw it, and she felt it. Impossibly big, horribly wrong. Fascinating, incredibly intriguing. Part of her wished to move closer, to inspect it, to understand. To harvest. The rest of her knew she needed to move away. It hurt, and it would destroy her. The other part of her almost didn't care, it hungered, but it was a minority. Carried by her wings and hooves she moved in the opposite direction, out of the garden, away from the ruins.

Hiding behind a corner, catching her breath. She'd almost lost herself there, she could feel it, and she wasn't sure she'd found all of her mind again yet. In a way though she didn't care. In a way it felt good. It didn't matter much anymore anyway. Maybe she'd indulge her inner chaos a little more, just to see where she ended up. Maybe she was too lost already.

She needed to hide. Her face was too known by that point. She couldn't play the victim card after what she'd done. She wouldn't, then. All the better. She'd need to hide, sure, but at least she'd no longer need to hide herself. Not aside from when it was convenient, of course.

Where to? Down the road, maybe after sundown, it wouldn't take long for that. She needed food. Stealing scraps would do if nothing else came her way, she'd dig through the trash, but she was hoping it wouldn't be a necessity. Where to? Some shady bar in the seedy part of the town, something like that had to exist. If not, then outside the town, down the mountain, sooner or later she'd find someplace. Criminals ought to be somewhere. If it took her leaving the whole country to find them, she'd do it. She just had to find someone who would not rat her out, and she'd work her way forward from there.

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