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"I see Princess Celestia. She's not alone, she's with someone else. A pony. I can't tell if they're a mare or a stallion." Sweetie Belle squinted. "They're... There's something around them, a bunch of things. It's like trees in a forest, I think, I... I'm not sure." She was visibly struggling to hold her focus.

"That's enough," Twilight said, jolting down a few notes. She passed a mug over to Sweetie. "Have something to drink. Don't push yourself too far. It's supposed to come naturally to you, if you're struggling it means you haven't found the right way to approach it."

Sweetie took a few slow sips from the mug, then set it back down on the table. "I'm trying to do my best," she said. "I know how useful this could be, and everyone else is already much better at controlling their powers."

Twilight smiled at the younger unicorn. "No one expects you to master this easily, Sweetie. It took months for everyone else to get it right, and you're the youngest coil bearer we know of. Yours just emerged late, it's natural you'd be behind. There are probably other ponies out there who haven't developed theirs yet either, you shouldn't feel pressured."

Sweetie looked to the side. She made a weird frown with her mouth. "I understand that. But I feel like I could really make a difference with this, and you need it. As soon as possible. Not just you, everyone would benefit from it."

Twilight tilted her head to the side, studying the filly, then she moved closer to her. "You're good with magic, aren't you?"

Sweetie looked up at her, almost blushing at the sudden compliment. "Well, I wouldn't say I'm the greatest, but I guess I'm good."

"Don't sell yourself short," Twilight said. "I've seen what you can do. I knew unicorns your age that weren't half as good as you at Celestia's school."

Sweetie almost blushed again, and looked to the side. "Thanks. It's nothing, really, it just comes natural to me."

"And this doesn't."

Sweetie looked back to Twilight, puzzled.

Twilight smiled at her. "You're used to being good at magic, so it's frustrating to you that this isn't working out right. I've been there. I wasn't trying to figure out the same thing as you, but I can understand how it must feel."

Sweetie pursed her lips for a moment, thinking. "So... What should I do about it?"

"Well, first off, acknowledge that the problem you're dealing with isn't like what you usually deal with," Twilight explained, walking to Sweetie's other side. "A coil is not the same as regular magic," she added. "Second, realise that that means your approach is wrong. Different problems require different kinds of solutions." She leaned over Sweetie's shoulder. "Third, accept that it's okay to struggle and go at your own pace. Everyone is different, everyone is better at some things and worse at others. You don't need to be as good with everything as you are at magic, because no one is like that, and that's okay."

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