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"Are you okay?"

"I can't find Twilight anywhere, so that means she's out there risking her life over something she hasn't explained to me yet," Starlight replied. "Sunburst is there too, apparently, given I can't find him anywhere here."

"Oh." Trixie waited on the doorstep for a second. "Do you want to go have some ice-cream or something?" she asked.

"Kind of cold for ice-cream, isn't it?" Starlight asked back, looking up from her desk.

"Well, we could always warm up the room," Trixie replied.

Starlight chuckled. "Are they even selling ice-cream this time of year?"

"Are you even still assuming this town follows any shred of logical sense?" Trixie deadpanned.

"Point." Starlight got up from her seat and walked towards Trixie. "I suppose intaking sugar to distract myself from the impending risk of our country losing its only current leader is a valid option. But I'd probably rather go for hot chocolate."

"I'm sure they serve hot chocolate at the ice-cream place," Trixie replied.

Starlight chuckled again. "Why ice-cream, anyway?" She reached Trixie, then walked past her and out the door.

"I don't know. Why anything?" Trixie replied, closing the door as she walked out behind Starlight. "Why is the sky blue? Why does gravity exist? Why is there a giant creature standing around in our capital? Why am I suddenly back to being the least magically talented unicorn among my acquaintances?"

Starlight flinched. "Oh." She took a deep breath. "Come on now. You're still talented! You've gotten so much better at magic."

"Never as talented as Twilight or her pupil." Trixie walked past Starlight. "And not nearly talented enough to match up to Sunburst, nowadays."

Starlight sped up her steps to reach the other mare.

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