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"Are we not going to talk about that?" Bon Bon asked, walking behind Lyra. "Because you could have died there. Unless you knew you wouldn't have died there, in which case I would like knowing what you know too."

Lyra sighed as she slid into an alley away from the main street. "We both could constantly die here, Bon. I don't see how it's particularly different from anything else. We're both safe for now, and that's what matters."

Bon Bon grunted and sighed at the same time. "Why won't you just tell me?"

Lyra turned, looking at Bon Bon with a tired expression. She tilted her head and blinked, then shook it. "Can't do. It would take too much time." She turned again.

"How do you know that?" Bon Bon said, as loudly as she could while still speaking quietly enough not to give away their position to anyone who might have been nearby and listening.

"Because I've..." Lyra tilted her head again. "Because I do." She peeked behind a corner. "Listen. We don't have much time to waste in this situation. I promise I'll tell you everything once we've made it through this, but right now we really can't afford to be having this conversation."

Bon Bon again sighed in frustration. "Lyra, I..."

Lyra looked back. "Do trust me?"

Bon Bon looked into her tired eyes. Her voice mellowed out. "Of course I do." She shook her head and breathed out slowly. "Alright, fine, we'll talk about it another time. Where to now?"

Lyra teetered back and forth, looking to the next main street ahead and biting her lips. "I think we're getting close," she said.


"Yeah," she replied. "I think I saw some guards on patrol. This is probably the wider area around the portal, and farther in they will have someone stationed there permanently to watch out for ponies getting close."

"So what would you say we do?" Bon Bon walked up to Lyra's side. "I say we wait until we figure out what their patterns are before we try to get close, and then maybe try to create a distraction when we do."

"I was thinking about the same." Lyra nodded. "It's probably going to be hard to get in there though."

"You said you could do it," Bon Bon noted. "Princess Twilight seemed to think you could too considering she agreed to this. We can try to go around and see if there's an easier way to approach."

Lyra drew back from the end of the alley. "No. This is fine, and I think I will be able to do it. But that back there left me kind of drained." She slumped against the wall, and her horn shimmered as she cast a spell. "Do you think you can keep watch and keep track of how they seem to be moving? I think I need a minute to recover here."

"Sure." Bon Bon took a step back and moved closer to the wall, and kept her eyes on the alleyways going into the main street in front of them and on the rooftops between them. "Keep an eye on the other side."

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