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Things were pretty dark down there in the tunnel. Not too dark, but dark. Maybe not dark enough considering he was underground. Or maybe it was, and he was just seeing things differently. He was used to seeing things differently, that was true, and he was seeing things others wouldn't. The glowing trails in the ground and walls, for example. In them. Not on them. Others would say on them, and wouldn't see them in them.

There was probably a way to turn on the lights properly. He didn't really care to, but there probably was one. He didn't mind the darkness though. He would probably sleep at some point. It was getting late. At least, he assumed it was getting late, given how late it had been once he'd entered there and how long he'd been there already. Not too long, but for a while.

It was pleasant in there. Compared to what else he could have been dealing with, at least. Not too cold, not too humid. Not too hard to sleep on, though he did have something to sleep on. Very squared. Like it had been cut out by someone. It probably had. Or maybe something was the right word. Whatever the case, it wasn't natural. Not that he was bothered by the fact.

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