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"That is... That's right in the middle of someone's apartment!" Twilight said, barely stopping herself from jolting up from her seat. "I'm sending you the coordinates right now. I'll look into it and see if I need to do some fiddling to get you in there, or if I can figure out who lives there."

Twilight was sat at her desk, stacks of paper filled with calculations taking up most of the space on top of it. The exceptions were the map right in front of her, her phone to one side and the half full coffee mug on the other. Pinkie watched her from the upper corner of the room, wings tucked near her neck, pondering how to go about things. She'd chosen not to delay that finding further, not any more, so that left her only one course of action to follow.

"How long has it been open for?" Sunset's voice came slightly crackling from Twilight's phone. "Maybe no one was in there and no one has found it yet? I'm pretty sure if someone was living with a portal to Equestria in their room the world would have heard of it by now, one way or another. We can at least exclude anything bad happened to them."

Twilight nervously adjusted her glasses. "I can buy that someone might find a portal to another world and film it for online fame, but I think it's just as possible that they've experienced enough media to keep quiet about it and avoid alerting whatever vague concept they have of higher authorities. It's also possible they instead alerted those authorities, the wrong ones most likely, and that's how we haven't heard anything yet."

Pinkie sat at Sunset's side, on the other end of the call. She did what she had to, though she tried to be subtle about it. She didn't want to arouse suspicion in Twilight, and she didn't want to hurt her friends. She'd adopted flashy methods of confrontation before, but the situation had been different. She merely held a hand up to the side of Sunset's head, coated in a dark aura that radiated barely noticeable waves towards the girl. "I'll have Pinkie come with me," Sunset said into her phone. "She's already here and available, we can go right ahead if you think we should."

Twilight pinched the bridge of her nose. She'd already sent the location, from where the other two were it would only take a couple hours, and they'd get there still not too late in the day. Given how precarious the whole thing was it was sensible to act quickly. "Sure. I'll focus on finding whatever info I can on the place, I should have enough time. Go as soon as you're ready." Picked up her phone and her mug, she stood up and headed for the door. She'd be working from her computer next, best to leave further research towards other portals for a later moment in that situation.

Pinkie watched Twilight leave and turn off the lights, then fluttered down from the ceiling to the table. She placed a hand over a spot on the map, marked by a few lines Twilight had traced. Not yet time for that. A little longer still. Her eyes glew black, and the markings disappeared.

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