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From her position near the crystal tree castle thingy she was planning to destroy at some point, Stella perked up as she noticed the approaching group of ponies, though she was a little disappointed to see the magical bubble preventing her from hearing what they were saying. She was at least happy to see that some of them seemed to be arguing with each other, and others awkwardly trying to ignore said arguing. The only exception being Starshine, who looked as happy and carefree as a little filly in a candy store.

The ponies finally reached the castle, and stopped talking as they arrived at the door. Stella couldn't tell if the discussion had actually come to an end or if they'd just cut it short, but it didn't particularly matter. She waited at their side for the door to open, and stepped in alongside Twilight through the magical scans and past the guards. It did bring her glee to so effortlessly pass through all the security measures installed specifically because of her, but she managed to contain her cackling into a bout of hyperventilation. She didn't want to look too much like her mother.

The rest of the ponies walked in the building as well, all but Starshine who instead disappeared and reappeared inside with a different coat colour. They looked briefly at each other, then silently split up, leaving Stella to ponder who she should follow. She was interested in what Twilight would be up to, but she could always get to her later and her study was in the castle anyway. Sunburst could be fun, but she wasn't particularly interested in dealing with Starshine. Trixie was of no interest to her.

Shrugging, she decided to follow Starlight, who seemed to be heading for her own room. She wasn't sure if she would do something with her or just watch. She could, maybe, but it was a lot harder to impersonate someone than to simply move around invisible. Nothing she couldn't do, of course, but it would be such a bother. Then again, maybe she could use some other of her tricks.

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