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"I think I've managed to recover something. It's not all there though." Twilight took a sip of coffee. It didn't taste particularly good, but it helped keep her awake. Probably. Maybe she'd actually gotten too biologically used to it and she should drop it and then pick it back up to have any sort of meaningful improvement again. But that wasn't the time to have that kind of thoughts.

"You can't expect all the data to carry over properly. It's a miracle we're even finding something that isn't altered beyond repair," said the voice on the other end of the call.

"This looks like it was deliberately messed with," Twilight said. She adjusted her glasses. "You're right that it's a miracle something got through in the first place. With how strong radiation bursts are you'd expect one to scramble the whole thing. If this one is still legible it can't have been hit, someone went and manually altered parts of it."

"I guess we'll see once we've decrypted it and translated it. Where are you putting it?" asked the voice.

"Where I put that placeholder. I updated the password, too, make sure you check that." Twilight drank some more coffee. It still didn't taste any better.

"Will do. I'll send you the results once we have something."

"Thanks. I'll see about trying to decode it myself." Twilight took off her glasses to polish them. "Hopefully there's something useful in there. We might be able to recover a few more packets, too."


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