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"Oh? Oh what?"

"Nothing, that's just-"

"Too deep to really be coming out of my mouth? Too admirable to come from me after everything I've done to you and your friends?"

"That's not what I meant!"

"But it is what you thought. Do you have some orange juice?"

"I... Yeah, sure, give me a moment."

"Thanks. And please tell me it's not that overly sugary stuff they sell at the store, I can't stand that."

"Don't worry, I got you. Here."


"Listen. I really didn't mean it like that. You were just as under the Dazzlings's influence as everyone else was that time, and when it came to what Wallflower was doing Sunset wouldn't have managed to fix things without you. I know you're a good person, and you know that I think you're pretty cool too now. That was just..."



"Out of character?"

"That too. I'm just not used to seeing this side of you. I don't remember you ever having that big of a problem with cheating in school when you were the one doing it. At least, I think I caught you a couple of times."

"School tests are just hindrances. Magic is something personal. I do it because I want to be good at it, not just to be noticed."

"I get it. Really."

"I know you do. Sorry about that, I'm still a little groggy. You haven't used that second bed in a while, have you?"

"I think it was more you sleeping with your clothes on, honestly."

"It's winter. I'm not going to strip down to sleep."

"I wouldn't have complained. We could have slept in the same bed, warming each other that way."

"You're as subtle as a snap change seen from the back. Be glad you have an ass nice enough to get away with it."

"Hey. If I was your assistant, you'd get to dress me up however you want."

"Now that's tempting. I wonder if I could practise rope tricks with you as well."

"What was that about being subtle?"

"I never said I had a problem with it. Besides, I also have a nice ass."

"If you say so."

"I've caught you staring."

"In your dreams."

"Then I suppose this does nothing for you, right?"


"Something wrong?"

"I no I uh..."

"Hah. Don't think you can act like that in front of my mother when you take me home."

"Wait, who are you writing to now?"

"Mum. I'm telling her I'll be back for dinner, and she shouldn't worry about me."

"So I'm not taking you back home?"

"You're taking me out to eat, and then for whatever I decide we should do afterwards. And you better make it worth my time."

"Hey now. What if I already had other things to do today?"

"Are those things better than me?"

"...Fuck me."

"Not yet."

"Ugh. Got any place in mind for lunch?"

"Anywhere but the sushi place."

"Too cheap for your tastes?"

"Exactly cheap enough for them, actually. Which is why I'm almost sick of it, for one time I don't have to pay I'm getting something better."

"Fair enough. So, how did you get into magic, anyway?"

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