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Lost and Found

It was as Fluttershy and Applejack were brought over to a doctor to check on their conditions that the soldier saw the guard again. One had stuck by Applejack, and it happened that the other had remained there, after being assisted. He was wearing some bandaging over his chest, having removed most of his armour. He immediately recognised the soldier, it was impossible not to by his looks.

The two looked at each other, in silence. There were questions in the guard's eyes that did not need to be spoken aloud, and it likely would have taken much longer to do so and to properly, separately word each facet of the tangle of concepts that were on his mind, carried along on that look they shared with each other.

The soldier's answer was to look at Applejack. Something that answered none of the questions the guard had meant, and yet answered all of them. That is to say, the act did not specifically address any aspect of the list of things the guard had meant to receive information on, but it addressed directly a central theme of them that indirectly provided clarification on all the relevant parts of the information.

The guard nodded. They both stood, they both watched as the doctors looked over Applejack and Fluttershy. Both stable, both having sustained no other injuries. One cold, the other feverish. Both unconscious, kept there by external forces not even Celestia could have healed. Much like the alicorn's own sister, if so she still was.

The mares were eventually brought away. The soldier followed behind them, the guard left to follow behind him. They followed, in silence, and watched them laid down over makeshift stretchers, ready to be carried when the group was to move again. The two stallions stood there, in silence, watching and waiting.

The soldier spoke first. He did so as he looked around, and saw that others seemed to be getting ready to move again. The guard listened to him, and he did not speak, for there was nothing to say at those words he'd heard. There was only to listen and be there. The group began to move again.

The winds kept blowing. Harsh, rough, thick to breathe in. The guard's steps were somewhat slow, the pain in his chest growing. Nothing that time wouldn't heal, and nothing the doctors could treat better than they had in those conditions. It wouldn't kill him, or leave him hurt, but it would be painful for a while longer. He tried to ignore it. He was alive, and that mattered.

The soldier occasionally threw a backwards glance at the guard, when he saw him stay behind a little, take his steps slower, breath heavier against the pain in his breast. He didn't comment on it, but he did slow to wait. He did wait for the guard to be at his side. He was not likely to have a chance to repay his life debt, but that didn't matter.

The group walked. Fluttershy and Applejack were carried along. The two stallions followed close by. The winds kept on blowing.

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