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Shining looked forward, past the broken crystal walls he'd crashed through and towards the pony responsible for it. He wasn't physically hurt in any significant way, his shield had held. His horn ached a little though, after holding him in place at the centre of his bubble while he was sent sailing through the air.

Sombra didn't appear to be interested in waiting around any longer, nor in going after Cadence inside the palace. After a brief but intense surge of energy his horn fired, and the buildings Shining had broken through were turned to dust as a beam of magic wide as a train gallery ran them over in its path towards Shining.

The unicorn was ready though. Not to fully withstand the blow, but to do what he needed to survive it unscathed. He quickly modified his shield and reinforced it, locking it in place, and as Sombra's spell made contact and quickly caused it to crumble he teleported away.

Only a long crater was left in the path between Sombra's position and the house Shining had been inside of. As the unicorn reappeared atop a rooftop, he quickly found his enemy teleporting in front of him. Shining had just enough time to put up another shield before Sombra's hooves slammed down onto him and pushed him and his bubble through the roof and into the room below. A moment to get his bearings and Shining immediately teleported outside, and only seconds later he watched the building he'd been inside of explode in a flare of green energy.

From there, still protected by his shield, he began to teleport from rooftop to rooftop, from alley to alley, his movements trailed at a few seconds of delay by explosions and occasionally surges of black crystals that burst out of buildings and tore them apart. He'd get tired pretty quickly it he kept teleporting like that, certainly sooner than Sombra, he'd only picked up the expertise needed to properly use the spell less than years prior and using it so often so quickly would drain him. But he needed to do it while he thought things through, as staying still wasn't really an option with the other unicorn on his tail.

In his repeated teleportations, he tried to bring himself closer to the central palace again, so Cadence could be immediately closer to him once she returned. Unfortunately for him, Sombra understood what he was trying to do. After teleporting behind another house, the wall next to him burst with energy as the building behind him exploded. His shield absorbed the hit, but it still sent him against the wall on the other side.

He regained his bearings quickly, but not quickly enough. As he tried to teleport away again, already seeing Sombra's smoky form materialising in front of him amidst the rubble of the destroyed building, he instead found himself crashing against a wall of jagged black crystals surrounding the two of them. He turned and strengthened his shield, looking at Sombra and reading his horn to prepare for whatever his next move would be.

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