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Rainbow stared at the floating sphere in front of her, and at the red vine-like structure wrapped around it. "That can't be good," she said. "Should we do something about it?"

Luna, sitting beside her, studied the scene. "Perhaps. Perhaps not. I have seen similar things in the past, though nothing ever exactly like this. But then again, every pony's dreams are different, if similar to others'."

"What is it, exactly?" Rainbow asked, looking between the alicorn and the sphere.

There was a brief pause, during which Luna looked at Rainbow for a moment. "This pony is sick, right now. They're in a hospital bed, unconscious. Their life is not at risk for the time being, but it might be if things become worse." She stared at the red, vein-like vines wrapped around the sphere of the dreamscape she knew was Fluttershy's. "This is related to their illness, which itself is related to the Behemoth and the changes it has brought. But it's unclear how. If this is a symptom of it, or the cause of their physical symptoms, or if both are consequences of something else."

"So... Should we do something about it?" Rainbow asked again.

Luna smiled. "Perhaps, perhaps not. If this was indeed the cause of their problems, then yes, we should remove it. The doctors can't help them here, after all. But if this is merely a symptom, then removing it might be futile at best, and downright make things worse at worst. It might be a defense mechanism of their own psyche, and we may hurt them by intervening."

Rainbow looked between the sphere and Luna again. "So we just do nothing? I'm pretty sure that pony is having nightmares in there."

"Most definitely," Luna agreed. "But sometimes nightmares are needed. Like how a broken bone hurts when it's healing. Sometimes, going through some pain is necessary. It's like a fever. It's your body trying to solve the problem, and you should step in to stop it only to prevent it from going too far."

"But you still help in other ways," Rainbow objected.

"And this pony is being helped. They have doctors looking after them, and they are safe as of right now. I will notify their caretakers of what we found on this side, and discuss with them the best course of action going forward. We shouldn't act too hastily, not while the pony is not at risk and we might worsen things with our actions."

Rainbow bit her lower lip. "Dealing with dreams isn't usually this complicated, right?"

Luna chuckled. "Having second thoughts? No, it usually isn't. There are cases where a nightmare is better left undisturbed, but they aren't many. I'll make sure to take those on myself."

"But why? The nightmares, I mean. Why leave ponies to have them?"

Luna smiled fondly at Rainbow Dash. "Dreams are the place where we get to speak with ourselves without realising it. Some things need to be said, even when they're not pleasant to hear, or we wouldn't understand them when we're lucid."

Rainbow looked back at Luna. At first she slowly, softly nodded, then she subtly shook her head. "I don't think I get it."

Luna chuckled. "You will, one day."

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