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World's End's Length's

"I'd imagined the end of the world would be different."

Starlight looked up. "Huh?"

Trixie waved a hoof around. "This whole thing. It's not how I thought things would go when I imagined it."

Starlight tilted her head to a side. "You've been imagining the end of the world?" She shook herself. "This isn't the end of the world, anyway."

"It feels like it," answered Trixie. "Just very slow and stretched out."

Starlight shrugged. "I guess."

"Like... Say someone were to look back at now. Some other species or whatever, after the Behemoth wipes us all out," Trixie said.

"We're not getting all wiped out." Starlight pouted.

"Let's say we do," said Trixie. "If someone looked back, what would they think of it? A couple of years or however long isn't that long compared to how much will have passed. Do you think they'll just say that everything happened and that was it?"

Starlight thought about it. "I don't know, actually. Maybe?"

"Yeah." Trixie blew some air towards her hat. "That's kind of annoying."

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