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Just a rock

Pinkie stared at the rock. The rock did not stare back at Pinkie, for it was a rock, and it is a fact that rocks do not possess eyes with which to stare back at ponies or creatures of any kind. And if ever coming across a rock with eyes, one should be careful about approaching it, as it is very likely not a rock.

But the rock Pinkie was staring at was indeed a rock. And as such, it had no eyes. It had instead a flat surface at which Pinkie was staring. This flat surface stretched out for the entire length of the rock, which was taller than Pinkie herself by a fair margin. The rock was also slightly larger than Pinkie. It had a shape somewhere between an egg and an almond, closer to the latter.

The rock was stuck in the ground. Or perhaps it was jutting out from the ground. Pinkie didn't know yet whether the portion of the rock that was embedded in the ground was larger or smaller than the one out of it. The rock knew that it was the latter case, however it had no way in which to realise that it did indeed possess such knowledge. This is because it was a rock, and not of the living kind.

The rock, not being the living kind of rock, could not comprehend that it was the non living kind of rock, and could not wish to be the living kind of rock. It could in fact not feel anything at all. It was not saddened by any of these facts, as it was a rock, incapable of feeling. It couldn't be happy either, but it did not care. It could not care, after all.

The rock was not aware of the pink pony staring at it. This in turn meant the pink pony could easily surprise the rock with her actions. Unfortunately, no reaction would come from the rock even if she did surprise it, as the rock would not become aware of the pony no matter what the pony did. Unless the pony infused the rock with life, of course. But the pony seemed to have no intention of performing such a feat.

She instead appeared to only care about studying the rock. She stared at the rock, and she touched the rock, and she also ran her tongue against the surface of the rock, and carefully she placed her ear to the surface of the rock and listened for any sounds coming from inside the rock. But there were no sounds. Because it was just a rock.

Once she had probed at the rock enough to conclude that it was indeed only a rock and no more than a rock, Pinkie left the rock and walked away. Then, after disappearing behind a turn, she suddenly burst out from behind the rock. The rock showed no reaction. Finally convinced, the pink pony left the rock behind, and quietly walked away.

Author's Note:

Proofreading by IncongruousAndHarmonious

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