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Fluttershy physically felt her body heat flare and rise, and nausea began to overtake her. It wasn't what they'd agreed on, but she could understand it. With Applejack in the conditions she was in, she could even almost justify it, or at least choose not to hold them responsible for it later. If there would be a later.

What they were planning to do though, that she did not agree with. She understood it, but it went beyond their established pact in ways she simply couldn't allow. No one but her was supposed to get involved. Certainly not unwillingly. They didn't care about that, and she'd always known that, but she'd hoped things wouldn't get down to that.

She had to tell someone about the situation. Luna would know, but Luna wasn't in a position to tell anyone right then. Rainbow Dash could find out though. She didn't have time to write anything down or properly explain things, and with time running out that was her best bet. "Rainbow," she spat out with a pant as she drew away from the crater. As the other turned to her she continued, "If I stop being stable, I need you to check on me."

Rainbow looked at her a moment, and nodded before turning again. With that settled, Fluttershy returned to carrying herself to the best of her abilities towards relative safety. Her vision grew foggy and her mouth dry, her breath laboured and her heartbeat faster. She could feel sweat rolling down her back and down the sides of her face. Her mane fell partly in front of her face and she saw how more and more of it was turning red. She didn't need to check to know what was happening to her wings.

"Rarity," she said, stepping closer to the unicorn even though she couldn't see her right, "I'm about to pass out." Her voice was breathy, but she did her best to make herself clearly audible. Thankfully her hearing hadn't abandoned her yet, and she understood Rarity's acknowledgement when she heard it. "Please don't freak out. I should be okay for a while, but get me to a doctor to keep me in check if that's possible. Don't keep too many ponies close to me."

Her legs buckled, but she caught herself. Weakly she stumbled forward, so Rarity would have to carry her a shorter distance. Screeches echoed around her and resonated loudly in her head, bouncing from side to side until she had a properly throbbing headache. She felt her own saliva caught in her throat and had to force it down to avoid choking on it.

Her legs buckled again. She caught herself again, but realised she didn't have the strength to stand up properly. If she tried she knew she would fall. Instead she lay down, doing her best to do so in a timely manner. "Sorry," she said weakly in the direction she guessed Rarity was in. Then she felt the unicorn's magic wrap around her, and allowed herself to sink into unconsciousness with a sigh.

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