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Two Thrones

"Are you still sure this is for the good of all of us?" Pinkie asked.

The other Pinkie didn't answer immediately. She just stared at the ground, breathing slowly and a little more heavily than was her usual. "No," she finally replied. "But I still think it more likely is than isn't. After the things I've seen, I don't know if there's a good choice, but I think there's still a better one."

"But what if you're wrong?" A hint of fear entered Pinkie's voice as she continued. "I've seen that thing. I've glanced upon it. I've seen what it's doing to you. How can this be good?"

"I can't blame you for what you think, given what you're seeing," Pinkie replied. "Know that if you'd seen what I have, you would not blame me either. I've witnessed things beyond our times and spaces and realities, and though I know not the full picture I've looked past the confines of our finite understanding. I have to do this."

"What if it's a lie?" Pinkie's tone regained most of its steadiness. "What if it's a trick? What if what you think is seeing the true nature of things is merely seeing them distorted and warped? What if there's no veil to look past but the one that has clouded your sight and your thoughts?"

"Will you try to stop me, then?" Pinkie looked back towards her other self.

"I used to look at you and see a mirror of myself. Now... I don't even know what it is I see now, but it's not what I am." Pinkie took a step closer. "This is tearing you apart, you need to put an end to it. But I can't stop you. Only you can stop yourself."

"I wish I had a choice."

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