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Sunset reached for the top of her nightstand, nails tapping against the wooden surface as she blindly searched while hair covered her face. Her other arm was trapped, Twilight doing her best impression of a koala on it.

"Come on," Sunset said as she finally found and grabbed her phone, even though her heart wasn't into it. "We're already late. The girls will be furious if we don't make it there at all." Pushing aside the hair over her eyes, she took a look at the screen. Her tone dropped as she saw the amount of notifications. "Maybe they already are," she said, sitting straighter.

Twilight, who'd partly let go of Sunset's arm to get a better look at the screen, fully let go once she saw what the other girl had. She slid towards the other side of the bed and went to grab her own phone, while Sunset unlocked hers.

Forcing her eyes away from the direct messages she'd received from the other girls, Sunset opened the Rainbooms's group chat and immediately scrolled up to the start of the commotion. And then she stared at the screen for a moment, rereading the same message over and over.

Then she glanced to her right, and noticed Twilight was about to do the same. The word left her mouth before she could even realise she was about to speak. "Don't!" she said, closer to a yell, as she reached out with her arm towards Twilight. Almost as if she could physically stop her, somehow.

Twilight did stop, her finger hovering over the screen just a moment away from entering the group's chat, and she turned towards Sunset. "Why? What happened?"

Sunset opened her mouth to speak, and found she couldn't. She looked back at the message, then back at Twilight, then sighed as she placed a hand over her forehead. "I... Come here." She moved a little to the side, and motioned for Twilight to sit next to her. "We'll read this together."

Closing her phone, Twilight moved on all fours towards her girlfriend. In different circumstances, Sunset might have found the scene sexy, Twilight still being naked and all, but her mind was elsewhere at that moment. Tilting her screen so Twilight couldn't see it just yet, she wrapped an arm around the girl and squeezed her tight.

There was a moment of silence as the two just sat there, then Sunset took a deep breath. "I'm not sure if there is a good way to learn this, and I don't think this message is it. But it does a better job than what I would do telling it." She turned the screen towards Twilight. "So here you go."

Twilight's eyes fixed on the message in the centre of the screen. She understood it just fine the first time around. It took reading it seven more times before she actually acknowledged its meaning, and five more before she finally accepted it. Then she looked at Sunset, and Sunset looked back.

And then they both looked back at the screen and began to scroll down, to see how the others had reacted to the news of Applejack and Rarity breaking up with each other.

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