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"How can you be sure the future exists? Well, that's easy. You look at it. If you see it's there, then congratulations, everything is fine. If you don't, well, you won't be there for it to be a problem for you. And if what you see isn't particularly nice... at least you can get there mentally prepared. For a while, this was my whole philosophy. Things were simple, and things went well. But then... One day, I started wondering. What about the future I see? What if it's not the future, but just a possibility? Just one future? How would I even know that?

"So I did some testing. A lot of testing. All the testing I could manage to do in the time I had, and believe me when I say it was a thorough examination. Do you know what I found? As far as I can tell, to such a degree that it's reasonable to assume that is indeed the case, the future I see is the future. The only future, or at least the only one things are locked in to the moment I see it. I can't prove it, of course. It's one of those things that are impossible to prove, you can only disprove them. The repeated failure to do that is what has led me to believe it is the case. Even if it was not, it appears to be so consistently that statistically speaking it would be foolish to act as if it wasn't.

"And that's, you see... That is kind of a problem. Because if the future I can see is the future, then as useful of a resource as that is it's also a sentence. Like a juridical sentence. Is that how you say it? I'm not good with terminology. Anyway, the point is once it's seen it's there and that's where we're going. So one day, I don't know, I might see something really bad. It's not going to be fun. It's quite possibly going to be the exact opposite of fun. With nothing I can do about it, nothing anyone can do about it as far as I'm aware.

"You may think it's trivial to disprove that it is the only future. That's the reason I got curious in the first place actually. Because by all means, when you look at the way it works it really should just be that easy to mess with it. See one state of things, alter them so they don't turn out like that, and that's it. That's a different future. I tried. Believe me, I tried. I could even show you, and I will, since I'm pretty sure you won't believe me if I don't. Because it just seems so simple. It's not. Once I've seen something, that's it. As absurd and nonsensical as it sounds, things will play out that way. I never meant to end up as one of those oracles and prophecies, but here we are. It just does."

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