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Last Call

"Are you sure you got the coordinates right?"

"You're the one who calculated them. And I double checked them, and had them checked by a couple others as well," Twilight replied, staring through the empty space where a wall had been months before.

"But are we sure they're right?" Sunburst didn't stop nervously pacing back and forth, using his magic to toy with his beard.

"As sure as I can ever be of anything, yes," said Twilight, in a surprisingly serene tone. "If calculations this precise turned out wrong then we may as well start doubting everything about teleportation spells themselves. The coordinates are the best we can possibly have, and they're right."

"But what if it moved in the meantime?" Sunburst stopped his pacing, staring at Twilight.

Twilight rolled her eyes, and turned back towards him. "Sunburst. If the Behemoth had moved again, I'm pretty sure everyone would know."

"Right." Sunburst slowly nodded. "But what if-"

"Sunburst, please. You're not the one who needs to go there." Twilight gave a small chuckle. "I know you're covering for Starlight, but you don't need to cover for her freak-outs too."

"Well I'm sorry if the prospect of our greatest asset and researcher, and our ruler, and a friend, teleporting herself right up to what is possibly the most dangerous thing to ever show up on this planet leaves me a tiny little bit nervous. What am I supposed to do if only half of you comes back?" Sunburst had to stop and adjust his glasses, which were slowly sliding down his muzzle, sweat starting to form on his brow even in the cold weather. "Don't say it," he said, not to Twilight.

"Depends on which... Aww. You're no fun," Starshine whined, sat in a corner of the abandoned building.

Twilight sighed. "Don't worry about it too much. There are contingencies in place in case I turn into a puddle up there, Equestria will survive. I trust you all, I know you can make it without me."

Sunburst fixed his glasses again. "Twilight, that is the opposite of reassuring. It's mostly the you turning into a puddle part we're all worried about, not the political consequences."

Twilight sighed again. "I know. But if I keep pretending like it's not a big deal maybe I can continue to trick my brain into avoiding panic attacks long enough to actually follow through on this whole thing." She swallowed. "I've managed to get close enough to touch it already. This should be safe." Then she extended a hoof and grabbed a hayburger from the ground. Once she was done stuffing it into her mouth, she looked to Sunburst again. "There's nothing left to wait for, I think."

"So you're going? This is really happening?" Sunburst sat down.

Twilight nodded, and began to cast the defensive spell she'd devised on herself. She'd practised and tested it enough times by then that she didn't really need to think about what she was doing, but that didn't stop her from focusing on it anyway. Once she was done, she looked back to Sunburst, then silently turned and looked at the Behemoth.

A moment later, she disappeared from the building, leaving behind just the light and sound of her teleportation. Then, nothing.

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