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"I really don't like working with this kind of stuff," Sunset said, resting her head on one of her hands and her elbow on her desk. She looked at her monitor with a mixture of hate and despair, and sighed.

"What kind of stuff?" asked Twilight from the other end of the room.

"Programming, computers, all this kind of stuff," Sunset replied. "It's all so damn inconsistent. Magic isn't like this."

"How is it inconsistent?" Twilight asked, getting up to approach Sunset. "It does exactly what you tell it to do. Magic is what's inconsistent in my experience."

"Look at this then!" Sunset almost yelled the words, pointing at her screen with one hand. She waited for Twilight to be at her side, then continued, "These two pages are using the exact same code. They're literally the same shell of categories and structure. But one is working one way and the other isn't, and all because apparently the line of text in this box here isn't long enough." She collapsed with both elbows on the table, her head only held up by her hands digging into her hair. "I hate it all so much," she whispered, mostly just to herself.

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