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Pink Wine

"We're gonna have to throw you a proper party, tomorrow." Pinkie Pie looked at the wall the stallion had once disappeared into and reappeared out of, still trying and still failing to discern its secrets. "I would have done it today, but you know." She suddenly frowned. "Hey. Wait a second. Did Stone Brick never cash in his owed welcoming party? I need to get back to him."

Rarity, who was evidently trying not to look at the stallion there with them too much to stop herself from gagging at his attire, took that as a chance to distract herself. "How are things going at Sugarcube, anyway?"

"They're going well," Pinkie said. "Still plenty of work, but not enough to be swamped in it, and we've got the bakery up and running again. I even got Rose to help with a few things."

"Trying out new ingredients?" Rarity asked. Pinkie nodded, and the unicorn sighed. "I've been thinking about trying to incorporate some jewels made with crystal from the floating shores in my designs. If only they weren't so rare or hard to work with. I could ask Twilight for some, but, well, I wouldn't bother her with that. And it wouldn't feel fair, now that she's in charge of everything like this."

Unseen, Pinkie pulled out a notebook and pencil from her mane, scribbled something in them and put them away. "This was the spot, right?" she asked, turning towards the stallion and pointing to the wall in front of her with a hoof.

He followed the direction of her leg with his eyes. Then he shrugged. "Probably."

"Wasn't it just the other day for you?" Pinkie asked.

"I fail to see how that means I should remember it. I don't even remember what I had for dinner. Besides, there's nothing there now. You're not going to do anything just tapping it."

Pinkie scrunched up her face. "Who's to say that? If you can see things I can't see, maybe there are things you can't see either. Maybe I just need to believe in it and something will happen."

"Darling, I think that's Sunburst's coil," said Rarity. "Something I should take advantage of more than I have, thinking about it."

"That only works on needs," said Pinkie. "Though desires are a form of need too, so it's blurry, and more so given everything else going on with it and him."

"Since when are you an expert on coils?" Rarity asked.

"I named them, after all." Pinkie bit her tongue and tilted her head, leaning against the wall with her hooves on it, but still nothing happened. Eventually she sighed, pulled back and shrugged. "Maybe another time," she said.

"Right." Rarity took a deep breath. "Today is a big day. Feels like we're having far too many of those in recent times. Ever since... Ugh, I'm tired of even saying it."

Pinkie smirked, then turned serious again. "Otty?" she called out to the stallion. "Could you do me a favour?"

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