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One set of slim fingers curled around the wand's black handle, lifting it from the table. The other picked up the golden metal rod and slipped the round end into the opening on the handle, where it locked in place. Eyes set on the tip of the rod, thin and pointy, like a bullet. A customised variant, they'd even sharpened it enough for it to draw blood if pressed hard enough. A soft smiled curled their lips, and they set the assembled wand back down onto the table.

Black gloves slid over their hands, stopping just short of the elbows. Straps and silver buckles at the end of each one tightened them around their forearms. The clicking of boots against the floor echoed around the square confines of the room as they took hold of the wand's plug and first slid it through the metal rings on the table's side, then carried it to the electrical outlet on the far end of the room. Then again, as they walked back the distance to the table.

They picked up the wand again. It was the strongest model they had, and combined with the rod it would provide the most intense results. Exactly what the client wanted. Given what she'd asked for, it wasn't hard to see which part of the experience she was most interested in, and they were happily going to provide. They were actually considering upgrading to a stronger model, sometime in the future. Likely custom ordered from some independent manufacturer, or maybe they would build one themself. No company out there was selling anything stronger than what they already had.

Wand in hand, they walked to the centre of the room. They threw a look at the contact cable left over the table, wondering if they would have time to use it. Then, they focused their attention on the centrepiece of the scene. The X-shaped cross of dark grey metal stood just tall enough not to prevent comfortable access to the top with their hands if necessary, but still made for quite the impressive sight.

They tugged at the chains on the upper section, making sure they still held and twisting them around to check if they were getting stiff. Everything seemed fine, and so they did the same with the lower ones. Everything was fine there as well. They wondered if they should have swapped out the padded cuffs. They did have a set of metal ones in the drawer under the table, and the client would probably ask for it. They'd have to be a bit more careful, and make sure to check on her wrists and ankles afterwards, but it could be done. They'd take care of that in just a moment.

Smiling, they brought the tip of the rod against the cross, then pulled it back just a bit. Their fingers moved over the handle, and there was a click as the wand was turned on.

Electricity arched through the air between the wand and the cross, and they smiled. They would have so much fun that night.

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