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"What are you reading there?"

The filly, though maybe young and somewhat short mare would have been a better description, didn't look away from her book. "A story," she said, almost annoyed. It was perhaps best that way. "Fiction, I guess I meant, and not something else," she added, realising how she must have come across. If she had actually looked, she would have found herself face to face with a rather unsettling insect-like creature. "This one is about bees," she concluded, before burying herself in her reading again.

The pony-headed creature spied what it could of the page past the unkempt tuff of black mane on the filly's head. "It must be good if you're reading it with such dedication."

"Or maybe it's horrible and I just want to be done with it as fast as possible," said the green one, "and if I was enjoying it I'd go slower to savour it better."

"Huh," said the creature. "So... Are you enjoying it, or not?"

"I don't know."

"You don't?"

"Well, of course not," said the filly. "Not until I've finished it. It could go either way. A lot of a story's quality can depend on its ending, and this one's definitely one of those that could either be great or terrible depending on where it ends up going."

The creature mulled it over for a moment, then nodded. "I see. Yes, that does make sense. Still, I take it you do not dislike the story either. Why do you read it so fast, then? Is it that gripping?"

"That's part of it," the filly answered as she turned a page. "The other is that I just tend to read fast. Lots of stories to read, and not all that much time to. I learned to read quickly is all."

"Is there a reason you read so much?" the creature asked.

"I enjoy it," said the green pony. "That's about it, really. I like reading stories, and thinking about them. I keep a journal, actually, I write down my thoughts about the things I read there."

"That sounds interesting," said the creature. "I will leave you to your reading, then. Sorry to have bothered you." It began to walk away on its many legs, but stopped after a moment and turned back. "Oh. Another thing. Be careful, later this week. I'd say you should try to stay somewhere safe inside the castle." And with that, it left.

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