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Shining checked his mane in the mirror, making sure it looked presentable enough. "I don't need to say anything, right?"

From the other side of the room and across the reflections in both her mirror and his, Cadence glared at him, and that was all she needed to do for him to get what she meant to say.

Shining smiled the most innocent looking smile he could muster. He fixed his uniform one more time and brushed his tail again, then turned and began to walk out of the room, as Cadence quickly followed behind him.

As they exited the room they found a pair of guards waiting at attention, who flanked them and began to follow them as the two walked down the corridor. Shining merely glanced towards them at first. Then he noticed something and looked again. Forcing himself not to mess up his pace, he asked under his breath, "Paper?"

"Yes Sir!" the stallion replied in the same low tone Shining had used. He wore an armour identical to the other guard's, which was why Shining hadn't recognised him at first.

"What are you doing here?" Shining asked. "And where did you get that armour? I thought you were trying to join the Guard."

"That's what I did, Sir," Paper replied. "They're the ones who gave me this armour."

Shining blinked, and again had trouble not tripping or slowing his steps. "You did what, exactly?" he asked, a little louder, making Cadence turn to see what was going on.

"I joined the Guard, Sir," said Paper. "I did everything precisely as you'd written I should do. Thank you again for pointing me in the right direction."

"You- What- How-" Shining sputtered. "It hasn't been two hours since I saw you leave!"

Cadence meanwhile craned her neck to get a better look at the conversation. The guard on her side, for his part, either didn't notice anything or expertly pretended not to.

"I know," excitedly replied Paper. "Isn't it wonderful that I so quickly was allowed to be a part of the Royal Guard and do my part in protecting and serving the Empire and its citizens?"

"The training process is supposed to take months at the least!" Shining turned to Cadence. "It's still supposed to take months, right?"

Cadence looked at him, unsure of what to say. "I think you can skip most training if you pass the required tests, and integrate afterwards?"

"I know that, but-" Shining silently looked between Cadence and Paper Letters, trying to get a point across, then turned back to the latter. "Did you pass those tests?"

"Of course, Sir. With flying colours, Sir." From beneath his armour he produced the relevant certificates, all stamped with the Crystal Empire's Royal Guard's seal of approval.

Shining wordlessly sputtered again. "Honey did we drastically reduce the standards for being allowed into the Royal Guard?" he whispered in Cadence's direction. "I told you not to make me sign anything when I'm sleep deprived."

"Not as far as I know," Cadence whispered back.

"I believe we've arrived, Sir," Paper said, pointing at the balcony up ahead. "I am sure your citizens will be thrilled to hear what you have to say."

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