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Theft | Art

"Do you have anything to put me to sleep?"

Redheart stood still and confused, her mouth slightly open, and she blinked once. Then she kept staring at the pegasus who'd suddenly flown into the room.

"Well?" Rainbow asked impatiently, as one of her hind legs nervously twitched.

That shook the nurse out of her shock. "Why do you need something to sleep?" she asked. "Why do you need something to sleep now?" she added, louder.

"It's important," Rainbow replied. "Element Bearer stuff. I need to fall asleep as soon as possible. Do you have something for that?"

"I can't just give you something that strong on the fly!" Redheart replied. "Even if you had a valid reason for it, it's not the kind of drugs I can give without proper measurements first. It's strong stuff."

"But I need to fall asleep now!" said Rainbow.

"Why don't you use a spell for it? Why don't you ask Starlight or another unicorn?"

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to reply, then closed it. "Right." As swiftly as she'd come in, she bolted out of the room.

"What do you think that was?" the first guard asked.

"I'm pretty sure you know what that was," the second replied. "Unless you hit your head really hard recently."

"Not like that," his colleague said. "I know what that I was, I meant why."

"Why what?"

"Why it happened."

The guard made a confused expression. "What do you mean why it happened? We have no idea why it happened the first time around either! It just did as far as we know."

"Yeah but like maybe this time it was different," the stallion tried to justify himself. "Didn't Princess Twilight go to Canterlot this morning? Do you think she's got anything to do with it?"

The stallion's expression only grew more confused. "Why would Princess Twilight have anything at all to do with this?" he asked in a wild tone. "Besides," he continued, calming down to a more formal demeanour, "we're not supposed to know she went there."

"Doesn't make her not there," said the other. "I wish we were still in Canterlot. We'd have gotten to see this one up close."

"I'm pretty sure that's an argument against being in Canterlot. Did you just forget about the last time?" the guard asked.

The other guard looked at him, then shrugged. "Eh. It wasn't so bad."

"The whole country entered a crisis it still hasn't recovered from and you say it wasn't too bad?" the stallion looked at his colleague, quirking his eyebrows.

"Well, no," said the guard, "that was pretty bad. But I meant the actual city stuff. Canterlot wasn't wrecked that hard."

"A significant portion of it was turned to ruins," the other guard deadpanned.

"Yeah but compared to what your regular earthquake or hurricane or massive tornado or flood can do, it wasn't that bad."

"Canterlot doesn't get any of those things."

"Yes, and?"

"Ugh." The guard rolled his eyes. "I just hope everyone there is okay. I might send a letter there later."

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