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"Oh, great! Absolutely fantastic," half-yelled Lemon, in a tone so drenched with sarcasm Indigo could have sworn she heard it dripping onto the floor.

"Is everything okay?"

"Define what you mean by okay," Lemon replied, without looking away from her screen.

Indigo walked up to her. "Did you lose some files or something?" she asked.

Lemon shook her head. "Nah. Thank goodness, not that yet. Just the website I needed to use is down now. Maintenance, apparently, which they did not announce, and of course it had to happen right the day I decided to get working on this thing. Wonderful, eh?" She looked up at Indigo.

"It is what it is," Indigo replied. "What site is this, anyway? What did you need it for?"

Lemon drew slightly back, turned her screen a bit, and stuck out her tongue. "Not telling you. It's a surprise."

Indigo lifted an eyebrow. "Huh. Alright, then. I'll go have a shower now, don't set the place on fire while I'm gone. Again." She turned, and walked away from the table.

"It was an accident!" Lemon's yell chased her.

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