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Twilight paused, seeing someone walking down the corridor in her direction. A stallion, wearing armour, patches of his white coat and bits of his purple mane visible underneath it. A unicorn, she realised. The colours were certainly familiar, but she quickly chalked it up to a mere coincidence.

She was more preoccupied with not being noticed, really. Although the unicorn seemed rather lost in thought, not really paying attention to the world around him. Odd behaviour for what was probably a guard, then again the hallway appeared empty to him. And after all, she really wasn't complaining about him being distracted, it made things easier for her.

But she did have to hope he wouldn't run into her portal. He wasn't likely to, given how he still couldn't see her despite how close they'd gotten and how the portal had even stronger spells protecting it, but that didn't make her less nervous. But she couldn't really make sure he wouldn't, going back the way she'd come just for the sake of following him would have been a waste of time and she didn't have too much of that to spare.

It still felt weird to just walk by him though. Unnatural. She wasn't used to being invisible to others. Even when creatures didn't pay attention to her, at least she knew they acknowledged her existence. Knowing that the stallion thought he was alone in the hallway made it feel like she was intruding on something private, even if she knew it was a dumb thought to have.

It did make her wonder if she walked differently when she thought she was alone. The answer was probably yes, and she'd pay attention to it next time she had a chance to, but right then she forced the thought out of her mind. It was not the time. She knew she was doing it to find something to keep her nervousness at bay with, but she had more important things to focus on.

The stallion walked past her, at her side, perhaps a little closer than she'd have wanted. She'd gotten distracted too. She turned, just to make sure everything was okay. The stallion did seem slightly different, but he didn't look back nor even around. For all she knew he'd just shaken himself out of his own musings. He just kept on walking down the hallway at an even pace, ignoring her completely.

He really did have the same colours as Rarity. The tail was styled differently, straighter and a bit shorter, but if she'd seen a picture of just that she would have assumed it to belong to her friend. The armour was covering his cutie mark, so she couldn't check if it was in any way similar to Rarity's, but she would have liked to if she'd had the chance.

Twilight shook herself, and turned again. She had much more important things to do than go chase a pony just because he reminded her of a friend, especially when following him could have meant putting herself at risk.

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