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The bubble of Twilight's shield burrowed into the ground, inexorably propelled by the strength of Stella's spell even after the alicorn stopped pushing directly against it. From within the shield Twilight used her magic to direct herself forward, digging out the portion of ground directly below Stella, then she pushed herself down again. As she moved through the earth she used her magic to coat and stabilise the tunnels she dug, quickly creating a system of claustrophobic interconnected galleries big enough for a pony to walk through them, but far too steep. She shot out weaker copies of her shield to keep digging, and all along the way she left a series of magical mines and other traps. Then she propelled herself upwards once again and came through below Stella, digging into her hooves.

Stella was quick to reposition herself and twist around to press with her horn against the shield once more. Twilight was expecting it, and was already prepared. Taking advantage of Stella's reaction and the time it took, she let her shield come open around her and flip on itself, forming a bubble around Stella instead. Though Stella was quick to break through it, Twilight still had enough time to teleport her at the bottom of her impromptu tunnel system, and teleport herself somewhere inside it.

Stella looked around, lighting her horn to see through the darkness. Twilight's magic permeated the galleries, and teleportation was an impossibility, not to mention the explosive grid was still present. She tried to send out a ping to map the area, but the energy filling the very walls she was inside of scrambled her signal and returned only useless noise. Walking through them was the only way to actually see what they were like, and though she could force her way out differently Twilight's voice came to stop her before she could smash through the magic holding up the whole structure. "You wouldn't want to run away like that, would you? Unless you're quitting of course."

Stella grit her teeth in sheer frustration and anger. As if Twilight had in any way played fair until then. But she had a point, however small, and more importantly she'd successfully poked Stella's ego. Forcing her way out could be seen as an admission that she wouldn't be able to make it out normally, and there was little Stella could possibly hate more than the notion of her being unable to do something. Twilight thought that was a challenge, but she'd show her. She cast a spell ahead of herself, one that simulated a pony walking through the tunnel she was in, and watched as it triggered the magical explosions set up ahead. She smirked in annoyance. It would be easy.

Twilight, watching Stella while staying hidden, knew that was the case. It didn't matter. It wasn't about making Stella struggle, it was about keeping her occupied. And walking through the tunnels, though easy, would take time. It was all Twilight needed right then.

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