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"And that's a three, a seven, and an eleven," Shining said, pulling away from Rainbow's side while watching the dice on the tray he held in his magic.

"Pretty good rolls, huh?" replied the pegasus. She tried not to sway too hard from side to side. "Anything else in there?"

Shining set the silver tray down on the table, and moved closer to Rainbow again, making sure not to step on his own entrails by accident. He peered at the exposed flesh, the tip of his horn glowing to help him see better. "Doesn't seem so," he said, moving strands of muscle aside with his telekinesis to make sure.

"Nice." Rainbow gave the closest thing to a nod that her upside-down hanging position allowed her to. "Moving on to the other side, then?" She tensed and released her wings, flapping then once, before letting them droop downwards again.

"I suppose so." Shining stepped back again, always carefully, and moved the tray and the little wheeled table it was on to the pegasus' other side. "The shackles aren't too tight, are they?" he asked Rainbow as he did.

Rainbow shook her hooves to test the metal binds wrapped around them that held her suspended in place, and looked upwards at the chains they were connected to, stretching on and on past her ability to see. "Doesn't seem so. I think they're just right like this."

"Good." Once the table was in place, Shining turned to examine Rainbow's flesh. "Oh. Definitely a lot of stuff here. Does it hurt yet?"

"Still can't feel anything but my tail," Rainbow replied. "Is it bleeding? I can't tell if the stuff on the floor is mine or yours."

"Don't worry, it's mine." As he said so, Shining grabbed a reddened cloth from the table and used it to soak up some of the blood slowly dripping from his chest and underbelly. "You still haven't given any problems with that. At least the drainage system seems to be working fine." He lit his horn again, peered closely at the muscular tissues in front of his face, and asked, "How do you want to roll?"

Rainbow pursed her lips for a moment. "Let's go with two six and one twenty, you got that?"

"Sure do." While holding up the now empty tray, Shining simultaneously took hold of the required dice in his magic. He pulled, ripping them from Rainbow's flesh, then let them fall down. "Oh. That's not good. Not good at all."

"What did we get?" asked Rainbow, a note of worry in her voice.

"Two, three, and just a four," answered Shining. "We needed a twelve to clear this one. Oh well." He took the saw in his magic, and used it to remove another one of his ribs, then added another mark to his bleeding hind leg in the form of another open cut. "I think I see a map in here, too."

"Should we take it out now?"

Shining shrugged. "I don't see why not."

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