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Stella pondered the scene before her. From the pegasus lying down to the one still standing, to the alicorn looking at them both. And the other pony there, too, but that wasn't all too relevant.

Definitely not what she'd come there for. And yet, she'd found something that might have been that much more important. What she would do with the information was still up in the air, but she wasn't going to let Twilight get there first. Assuming it could be done, of course. But if it couldn't, the other would be heading straight into a trap.

She supposed she might have decided to stop her, if that turned out to be the case. It wouldn't have been right for Twilight to end any way other than by her hoof and horn. But that was a matter for the future. She still had things to listen to there, and tests to run afterwards. Hopefully the little distraction would be worth it in the end.

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